TSE Indonesia is a startup energy and we will become a pioneer of new energy management and creation for Indonesia. As a start up with a big dream, we prepare our service and its support with continuous improvement mindset.
TSE Indonesia was born and grew from electrical problems that occurred in the industry. From every problem we solve, our competencies growth day by day. From those certain experience and exposure, TSE Indonesia concludes that there is still space and alternatives to create efficient use of energy as well as an alternative to create new renewable energy by not utilizing fossils as fuel.
TSE Indonesia develop some energy initiative and technology to be implemented on our product both on commercial and retail segment. With focus on management energy and renewal energy, TSE Indonesia provides solutions to improve the quality and efficiency of energy use for the commercial sector and retail sector as well as the creation of new EBT-based energy by utilizing nature (sunlight, wind and hydro) and industrial waste such as gas turbines or thermal turbines. TSE Indonesia power booster technology is able to provide support for the creation of more optimal EBT energy, more stable and supports the ultra capacitor power storage industry.
Technology that is used to improve electricity distribution or distortion in electrical installations so that harmonic distortion in the electricity […]
The technology of utilizing sunlight which captured and converted sunlight into electrical energy.
Converting energy flows technology from DC to AC and vice versa.
Capacitor-based technology, which can improve energy parameters that exist in the electrical energy system in an electricity network.
Smart Concentrator
Smart technology that can control power dinamics remotely.
Smart Regulator
Automatic system setting that can adjust to the incoming energy intake.
Ultra Capasitor
Energy storage which have fast charging, reliable, and it ability above other energy storage and has a lifetime of > […]
Magnetic Generator
Magnetic generator which can double the incoming energy intake so the output energy can be multiplied.
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